You’ll never talk alone: what media narratives on European reforms reveal about a polity in the making
In this paper, we have analysed the coverage of reforms in a European context in the leading business newspapers in the three …
In this paper, we have analysed the coverage of reforms in a European context in the leading business newspapers in the three …
This paper analyses the geographical evolution of banking centres across the world since 1970.
The level of interest of European citizens in the European Union is increasing, but still lags behind EU economic and policy integration.
This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of Europe as reflected in European media.
Je reprends ici les principales idées de mon keynote à la journée d’étude sur « Le goût de l’archive à l’ère numérique » organisée par …
This post was originally published for Bruegel, and is co-authored with Enrico Bergamini, Francesco Papadia, and Giuseppe Porcaro. An on-going research project …
An on-going research project is seeking to quantify and analyse printed media discourses about Europe over the decades since the end of the Second World War. A first snapshot screened more than 2.8 million articles in Le Monde between 1944 and 2018. In this second instalment we carry out an analogous exercise on a dataset of more the 500 thousand articles from two German weekly magazines: Die Zeit and Der Spiegel. We also report on the on-going work to refine the quantitative methodology.
After months of hesitation, I started using Tropy last December. My hesitation was due to the fact that I was trying to find a specific sub-project that could provide a good opportunity to start. Back then I often looked for descriptions of other experiences online but found few of them, I thought I’d share mine.
An ongoing research project at Bruegel is seeking to quantify and analyse national printed media discourses about Europe over the decades since the end of the second world war. A first snapshot screened more than 2.8 million articles in Le Monde, out of which 750,000 speak about “Europe”.