Conference Organisation
I have co-organised, or am co-organizing, the following conferences:
Women and Gender in International Economic History, (workshop organised with Johanna Gautier Morin), European University Institute, 22 June 2023
Social Europe and Economic and Monetary Union, (with Sigfrido Ramirez-Perez and Mechthild Roos), European University Institute, 25-26 May 2023
Economic thought and the making of the euro, (with Roberto Ventresca), European University Institute, 27-28 April 2023
Businesses, banks and EMU, (with Alexis Drach, Aleksandra Komornicka, and Neil Rollings), University of Glasgow, 25-26 April 2022
L’Europe au XXème siècle – Une Europe asymétrique: la Guerre froide (with Frédéric Clavert), C2DH, University of Luxembourg, 11 December 2019
Third Annual Graduate Conference on the History of European Integration, European University Institute, Florence, 9-10 September 2019 (with Bastian Matteo Scianna, Anastasia Remes, Federico Romero, and Andi Shehu)
Second Annual Graduate Conference on the History of European Integration, European University Institute, Florence, 10-12 September 2018 (with Federico Romero and Mechthild Herzog)
Prosopography in International and Economic History, European University Institute, Florence, 17-18 May 2018 (with Youssef Cassis, in the framework of my ERC-funded EURECON project)
First Annual Graduate Conference on the History of European Integration, European University Institute, Florence, 18-20 September 2017 (with Federico Romero and Mechthild Herzog)
Capitalism, Crises and European Integration: from 1945 to the Present, European University Institute, Florence, 26-28 May 2016 (with Aurélie Andry, Haakon Ikonomou, and Quentin Jouan)
The Development of International Financial Regulation and Supervision since 1945, Frankfurt, 16-17 January 2014 (with Catherine Schenk and Carmen Hoffman)
Conference Summitry at the Dawn of the Global Era: Historical Enquiries into the Rise of the European Council and the G7,” European University Institute, Florence, 25-27 October 2012 (with Federico Romero)
RICHIE-EUI-Padova Workshop, European University Institute, Florence, 10-11 June 2010 (with Kiran Patel and Guia Migani)